Dear Families,

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I’m a little early, but there will not be an E-News next week. 😊 There is SO MUCH happening as we enter into the Advent season!! Please take time to read through everything that is planned and mark your calendars!! 

**Kindergarten, first grade, and fifth grade families – You should have received an email from me regarding participation in the Christmas Eve Family Service. If you did not, you can access it HERE. If you plan to participate, please fill out THIS GOOGLE FORM by November 28. 


This Sunday

In Sunday School, elementary students and youth will join together in the youth room (Memorial 300) to learn about Hot Dish & Hope. Then, we will make winter care bags to give Hot Dish Guests. This is a wonderful opportunity for younger students to connect with some of our middle and high school youth! Please make plans to join us! 

On Sunday afternoon, children, youth, and parents are invited to join us at the Greater Triad Diaper Bank from 2-4pm to help sort, count, and wrap diapers! It is actually a lot of fun and a great opportunity to work together as an FPC team!!! If your child would like to attend, but needs a ride, let me know. Group size is limited (per Diaper Bank Regulations), so please SIGN UP if you plan to attend. 

This Sunday is also the last Sunday to bring items for the Ronald McDonald house! Youth elder, Howell Pierce, is coordinating this project and you can find a list of needed items HERE.

Finally, this Sunday is Stewardship Sunday. Hopefully, you have seen and heard the many messages regarding Why Giving Matters over the last several weeks. We are grateful for all of the gifts you give to FPC, including time and talents as well as financial gifts. As you consider your 2022 pledge leading up to this Sunday, HERE is one las message from Jill featuring some FPC children. 


Coming Up

Mark your Calendars!!!!

December 5th – Family Advent Wreaths during Sunday School – Back of the Life Center at 10am – We are asking families to SIGN UP so we can more accurately gauge the amount of supplies needed. 

                    **Kids Clubs December 5th from 4:30-5:30pm! Enter at Life Center doors; ALL are                                             welcome! Choose from Preschool, Lego, or Yoga groups.

December 12 – Gingerbread Church– We are so excited to bring back this favorite tradition! Children will decorate in two groups (Preschool-2nd grade; 3rd-5th grade) and they will all get a treat bag to take home!

                    **We’ll go to the Diaper Bank again from 2-4pm on December 12! SIGN UP to join us! 

December 19 – Journey to the Manger – Join us as we travel through the building to hear scripture and carols as we collect life-sized nativity figures. At the final stop, we will assemble the whole nativity scene and families will receive a Birthday party for Jesus take-home kit. 

Fill the Stable for Advent Outreach! Dec. 5 – Canned foods for GUM; Dec. 12 – Diapers for the Diaper Bank; Dec. 19 – children’s coats for Backpack Beginnings

December 26 & January 2 – No church school or nursery. 

January 9 – Winter milestones begin!! Look for emails about these after Thanksgiving!! 


Other Notes and Info

Are you already overwhelmed and overscheduled by the holiday season? Me too! Here are a couple resources that might help! 

Faithful Families For Advent & Christmas by Traci Smith – Traci is a pastor and a mom who shares some simple ways families can keep their focus on the sacredness of the season. 

Unplug the Christmas Machine by Jo Robinson and Jean Coppock Staeheli has been around a long time, but it has some great ideas and insight to help families cut down on the craziness of the holiday season. 

THIS ARTICLE from the American Psychological Association has some tips to help parents cur stress during the holidays. 

HERE are some ideas for keeping your family focused on Christ this season. (Don’t worry – you don’t have to do them all!!!)


Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns! 

Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC
(336) 478-4726