Dear Families,

Yesterday, while sitting in a staff meeting, I scribbled some notes about all I needed to include in this last E-news of the church school year. Today, none of it really seems very important. As our own children finish out their school years, our hearts break with the news of another school shooting and it brings our own worst fears to the surface. If there is any way FPC can offer to you, your children or other parents & children in our community in way of support, prayer, counseling – anything – please reach out. We are here and we love you. Perhaps THESE WORDS from Jill could help. 


This will be the final weekly e-news for this church school year. I will send emails as needed over the summer and will re-start weekly emails in mid-August as we get ready for fall. So a few final reminders:

  • FIFTH GRADERS: You are invited to join us for our June youth Service days! More details and SIGN UP HERE. Feel free to bring a friend! (Just add their name to the sing up so we can plan accordingly for transportation!)
  • THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH,& SIXTH GRADERS: It’s not too late to join us for PASSPORT CAMP! We will attend Passport Camp at Greensboro College July 11-14. If you would like more information, please let me know ASAP! 
  • Registration for VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL and summer KIDS DISCIPLE CLUB is ongoing and we still have room for YOU!! CLICK HERE to register. 
  • Lastly, stay connected with other FPC parents through our FIRST PRES PARENTS FACEBOOK GROUP. I share info and updates there. You can also post questions, prayer requests, etc.


This Sunday

Worship services at 9am (Rejoice!) and 11am (Sanctuary). Nursery care available. No Sunday School for children or youth. 


Coming Up

  • Summer schedule for June will include Rejoice worship at 9am and Sanctuary worship at 11.
  • No children or youth church school, but you can CLICK HERE to see a list of adult summer studies available in June. If you would like to attend any of these and need child care on Sunday mornings, please let me know. Children age infant-5th grade are welcome to stay in the nursery (MLC 101) or I can provide a movie, etc. Just let me know! 
  • In July, there will be ONE worship service at 9am followed by adult church school options at 10am.
  • August will return to two worship services.


Other Notes and Info

May Faith At Home Family Toolkit is HERE and attached. 

June Faith At Home Family Toolkit is HERE and attached.


Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns! 

Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC
(336) 478-4726