Rachel Fitch, Pastoral Resident

As children gathered in the courtyard yesterday between worship services, they had baskets in hand.  They were eagerly searching, high and low, for a plethora of colorful Easter eggs.  It was beautiful.  And it was joyous.

I don’t know about you, but I remember many an Easter afternoon searching for these beloved eggs, eagerly waiting to see what was hidden inside.  It was always a race with siblings and cousins, a balance of trying to help younger ones find eggs but also making sure that you, too, were collecting your share of the bright colored eggs.  Honestly, it was about the chocolate hidden inside.  Yet, there was joyful anticipation, laughter, and fun.

As children search for these eggs, searching for that which is hidden, we are reminded of Jesus’ followers as they searched for him.  We are reminded of their joyous surprise when they find that the stone has been rolled away and the tomb is empty.  Just as the egg is a reminder of the empty tomb, it is also a reminder of new life.  It is a reminder of the new life that Jesus has brought through the pain of his death and the miracle of his resurrection.

As we gathered in worship yesterday, we began a season of Easter celebration.  We rejoiced as God has brought victory over death through Jesus.  We celebrate the gift of life and life abundant and eternal through Christ.

As we enter this Easter season, we look to the women who were gathered at the tomb when they saw what had happened – Christ is risen!  Their lives changed.  They went and shared the news with the others.  A couple thousand years later, our lives have also been changed by this rising.  We are called to rejoice and to go out and share the news.  I pray that you might have a blessed Easter season, and I wish to leave you with this prayer.

“Living God, on the first day of the week you brought to birth a new creation through the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. Fill us with the hope and joy of new beginnings, so that we may share the good news of your liberating, life-giving power with all the world; through Christ our Savior, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and always.

  • PCUSA prayer for Easter