Dear Families,

How are we almost at the end of March already?? It feels like we are moving at hyper speed toward the summer! 

Let’s help our Afghan refugee friends as they prepare for their new baby!  Mohammad and Wahzma will welcome their third son toward the end of April. A hearty supply of wipes and diapers (sizes Newborn to 6 months) would be a tremendous blessing for them. Please drop these items in the wagon in the Welcome Center. They’re grateful for the support and generosity from FPC! We are also trying to secure a crib for them. If you have one or know of one that is in good condition and would be available for donation, please let me know!


This Sunday

Believe it or not, this is our LAST Sunday of “regular” Sunday school! This week, we will be learning about the spiritual discipline of Experimenting! See below for the April schedule of activities. 

Preschool: CORL 304
Kindergarten-2nd: CORL 301
3rd-5th – CORL 306

 **Parents are invited to attend “Ending the Silence” in Memorial 304. This program is geared towards parents of youth (and there will be a simultaneous session for 6th-12th graders in a different room), but as mental health is a growing concern among children of ALL ages, this program will include some valuable information about recognizing and addressing mental health concerns that could be helpful even if you have younger kiddos!  Please come listen!


Coming Up

  • April 2 – Palm Sunday! – Meet in the Life Center at10am for a special Family Sunday School as we travel to stations throughout the church and end on the playground for fellowship & doughnuts; KDC at 3:00pm – SEE THIS SIGN UP FOR KDC ITEMS NEEDED
  • April 9 – Easter! – Resurrection Egg Hunt at 10am on the Elm Street Playground
  • April 16- No Sunday School or children’s activities – regular worship at 9am & 11am; nursery care available
  • April 23 – Preschool Bibles in Rejoice* and family fellowship on the playground at 10am; regular worship at 9am & 11am; nursery care available
  • April 30 –5th grade recognition at 10am; Family Fellowship on the playground at 10am; regular worship at 9am & 11am; nursery care available
  • May 7 – No summer Sunday school; KDC to Mad Splatter 3:30-5:30 – REGISTER HERE

*Preschool bibles are for “rising” three year olds – children who turn(ed) three between 9/1/22-8/31/23. If you have a child in that age range, you should have received a separate email a couple weeks ago with details. If you received that email, please remember to RSVP HERE. If you have a child who turned three before 9/1/22, but did not receive a bible last year, please let me know and they can be added to the list. 


Other Notes and Info

VBS/Summer KDC registration is OPEN! We are so excited to about these summer activities and hope you will make plans to join us! Click below to access the registration links and/or to sign up as a volunteer (we still have several volunteer spots open!).

Our first ever First Pres Party in the Park! is coming up on Saturday, April 29 from 3-5pm. We will be celebrating the beauty of God’s colorful creation! Similar to Trunk or Treat – but with a SPRING theme!!! Kids are invited to wear their most colorful, wacky tacky outfits! There will be trunks decorated and treats handed out. There will also be craft stations, face painting, a fire truck, and Kona Ice! We’re inviting the whole community and we hope you will mark your calendars to join the fun!  If you would like to decorate a trunk for the event, you can SIGN UP HERE.


Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns! 

Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC
(336) 478-4726