FPC updates during coronavirus pandemic

May you be made strong with all the strength which comes from his glorious power, so that you may be able to endure everything with patience.

— Colossians 1:11

Where we are today

The COVID-19 Task Force and Session continue to watch our community trends as they weigh our next steps. Here is where we are as our new church year begins. These guidelines may change after the September Session meeting.

  • Worship continues as Livestream-only through at least the end of September.
  • Classes and small groups may meet outdoors with a maximum of 25 people, socially distanced and wearing masks.
  • Outdoor funerals are encouraged, and indoor funerals may be held in the Sanctuary with a maximum of 25 people, socially distanced and wearing masks.
  • Staff continues to work at home and only enter campus briefly for essential purposes.


Highlights of member survey

The survey was conducted in late July/early August. Responses were received from 226 members. Comparing them with our active membership, ages 18-39 were under-represented and ages 40-70 were over-represented. Ages 71+ were slightly under-represented.

Members were asked how they felt about in-person worship with all safety precautions (masks, distancing, etc.) in place. Almost two-thirds said they would not be comfortable attending until there is a vaccine or the CDC approves large gatherings. Almost a third would be comfortable now or later this fall. 61% watch the livestream service weekly or almost weekly, 30% watch twice a month or less.

The survey also asked about small groups. 62% are not comfortable with attending outdoor gatherings of 25 people or less at this time. As FPC shifted activities and ministries online, people have found most meaningful small groups or Bible study on Zoom, First Elm Notes blog posts from pastors and staff, and adult Sunday School videos and resources.


July 26 update, survey request from Neil Dunnavant

Our Session met last week and made decisions about church activities for the next couple of months. While we all are eager to worship together again, we will continue to be livestream only for several more weeks. Please know that much work is going in in preparation — pews are being marked for safe seating, every room evaluated for safe maximum occupancy, and more. Our leadership will continue to closely monitor the situation and will adapt when able. It will help us to know what you are thinking and feeling as we move forward. We have put together a survey with a few key questions. Read more.


June 19 update from Neil Dunnavant

It is both easy and hard to believe we have been dealing with the coronavirus pandemic for three months now. I thank you all very much for your patience and generosity. The church is in good shape financially, and we have a generous fund to help our friends and neighbors through this crisis.

The church’s COVID-19 Task Force continues to monitor our community’s status and our ability to minister safely. This week the task force recommended, and Session approved, that our campus remain closed except for essential activities through mid-August. It is recommended that funerals be 25 or less. Full letter.


COVID-19 Task Force

Session has approved a COVID-19 Task Force made up of staff members, several committee chairs, and members who are medical professionals. The task force has four work teams focused on: funerals; technical equipment to enhance live streaming; worship content and variety; and safety protocols for our campus and congregation. Please pray for this task force as they are researching, discussing, and planning at this time.



Our financial needs continue even as our doors remain closed. Please mail checks to 617 N. Elm St., Greensboro, NC 27401. You can also give online here, or download and use the SecureGive mobile app for Apple iOS | Android.


Staying in touch


Pastor on Call for emergencies

In case of emergency contact our Pastor on Call at 336-908-8615.