Celebrating Pentecost

This year we can’t gather for worship and a potluck afterward in Redhead Hall, so Christian Formation and Discipleship have found other ways to celebrate and share the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, May 31!


One of the mosaics in Memorial Chapel depicts the Holy Spirit descending on the apostles & believers.

Pentecost in a Bag

Have a simple service at home. Your Pentecost in a Bag will include instructions for the service, birthday cake mix & frosting, bubbles, and a couple of surprises.

• Sign up for a bag by 5 pm Sunday, May 24. Use this form. FPC staff will pack bags using appropriate safety measures.
• A drive-through pick up will be held Saturday, May 30, from 11 am to noon in the semi-circle in front of Mullin Life Center. You will not need to leave your car.


Pentecost Pick-up Picnic

While we can’t gather together, we can enjoy a common meal! We have ordered 300 sandwich & sides boxes from Fisher’s and will hand them out on Sunday, May 31. The drive-through pick up will take place in the semi-circle in front of Mullin Life Center from 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm, or until we run out of boxes. There is no charge and you will not need to leave your car.


Sharing the Pentecost Spirit

Faith Action is in desperate need of supplies for newcomer families. Donation bins will be available down the hill from the Life Center, at the corner near the Sanctuary, during the drive-throughs on May 30 & 31.

Especially needed:  Rice, pasta, mac & cheese, oatmeal/cereal, granola bars, canned vegetables, canned fruit, soap, sanitizer, shampoo, deoderant, toothpaste, feminine pads. Share the Holy Spirit by including a note of hope, unity, and love for the recipient family (in English or brush off your Spanish)!

If you are not comfortable getting out, send a check to Faith Action or order from Amazon and have it shipped to Faith Action at 705 N. Greene St., Greensboro, NC 27401. *Order through smile.amazon.com and you can direct a percentage of the total to the church.