A Prayer for Our Nation


Rev. Jill Duffield invites us to go to God with this prayer or other words from our hearts:

Lord of all that is, seen and unseen, we grieve what is unfolding before our eyes this day. Your prophets tell of days when swords will be beaten into plowshares and no one will be hurt on your holy mountain. You grant visions of every tribe and nation gathered to worship you, tears wiped dry, mourning turned to joy. You tell your people to be peace makers, breach repairers, those known for their love. We know your word is a living one, your promises trustworthy, your power unmatched. Yet we live in a time when anger erupts into violence, neighbor turns against neighbor, and fear overruns our better angels. Lord, help us. Grant moral courage to those in positions of power that they would set aside their own agendas and use their influence in service to the common good.

Give us the faith to use our gifts, skills and voices to work for a world that more closely resembles the character and actions of the One we profess to follow, a world where the hungry are fed, the vulnerable given care, justice enacted, the hurting healed, the heartbroken comforted, the dignity of each person protected, unity fostered and love of neighbor non-negotiable. As we lament the state of our life together, we cling to the hope of our Savior, Emmanuel, God with us, the One who came to save this broken yet beloved world.

Lord, help us. Lord, heal us. Lord, lead us. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.