Dear Families,

Well, it seems the end of summer has arrived! This will be the final “summer edition” of the E-news. My weekly e-news will resume next Wednesday, August 25.


This Week at FPC:

  • This Sunday, August 22, join us for a Back to School Blessing during the 10am sanctuary worship service! Children will receive a goody bag and a backpack tag for the school year! We will also be collecting school supplies for the Guilford Education Alliance Teacher Warehouse. You can bring your donations and drop them in the red wagons in the Tower Room or Welcome Center.
  • Also, our nursery has officially reopened! Our nursery spaces have been cleaned and updated, and our nursery staff is ready for your little ones! CLICK HERE to read more about our updated nursery protocol and what we are doing to keep everyone healthy & safe! If you have any questions or concerns about leaving your child in our nursery classrooms, please reach out – I would be happy to talk with you so we can be sure everyone feels comfortable and receives the best care!
  • Reminder that our new Sunday morning schedule will begin on September 12! The schedule will include Rejoice worship in the Life Center at 9am, Sunday School for all ages at 10am, and traditional worship in the sanctuary at 11am.
  • Elementary milestones will begin on September 19! These will take place during the Sunday School hour for children in first-fifth grades. You will be receiving more grade-specific information next week.


This Week’s Family Faith Practice:

*This summer, I will be sharing some spiritual practices you can try with your family . They may not all well for everyone, but I encourage you to try them all and see what your family likes best! 

Consider making a prayer jar together! Simply decorate a mason jar or even a small box with any craft supplies you have one hand. Then, there are two ways you can fill the jar/box:

1) One way to use your prayer jar is to write down prayers routinely and put them in the jar. You might do this at dinnertime or bedtime. Children or adults can write down their simple prayers and drop them in the jar/box.

2) The other option is to fill your prayer jar with prayer prompts written on paper or Popsicle sticks. Then, each family member can pull out a paper or stick and pray using that prompt. Some ideas would be: list three things you are thankful for; list three things you are worried about; who are some neighbors can pray for; where did you notice God today?

I like this explanation of why and how a family prayer jar works. You can read more HERE or HERE, plus get some ideas for prayer prompts to use!


This Week’s Lesson Rewind:

*This summer, I will be re-sharing some Godly Play Video Lessons that were previously recorded. Enjoy watching them again! then, read the bibles stories together and discuss. 

Take a look at this Godly Play video of the story of Zacchaeus! It includes some fun music, too! After watching, you can draw a picture of the story, build it with blocks or Legos, or try acting it out together!


As always, please reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions! Summer blessings to you all!

Many Blessings,
Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro