FPC Children & Family E-News – *SUMMER EDITION*
May 12, 2021


Dear Families,

With only about a month to go until kids are back in school (WHAT?!?!?😲), we are in FULL ON fall planning mode! You should have received in your mailbox a letter from me outlining our fall plans for children’s ministry. I have also attached it to this email or you can access it HERE just in case! You can also CLICK HERE to view a Fall Preview video!


This Week at FPC:

Sign up to join other FPC families for a special summer experience at the Greensboro History Museum. Through hands-on and age appropriate activities, children will learn about the history of activism in Greensboro. SIGN UP HERE for July 31 or August 3.

Our custodial staff and I have been working on the nursery classrooms to get them reorganized, sanitized, and ready to re-open! I am also working to hire new nursery staff. We will be ready for your little ones on August 15 and we cannot wait to have these rooms filled with giggles and wiggles once again!

If you singed up to sponsor a backpack full of school supplies for a child from Faith Action, pleaser remember that those backpacks are due to church no later than July 28! You may drop them at the Welcome Center Monday-Thursday 9am-noon OR at the Weekday Preschool 9am-1pm Monday-Friday NEXT WEEK (Weekday Preschool is closed July 19-23).

Mark your calendars for:

  • Back to School Blessing in worship on August 22 (10am)
  • Kickoff Sunday – September 12
  • Elementary Milestones begin September 19
  • Meals of Hope on September 18, 8:30-11:30 –SIGN UP HERE


This Week’s Family Faith Practice:

*This summer, I will be sharing some spiritual practices you can try with your family . They may not all well for everyone, but I encourage you to try them all and see what your family likes best! 

This week, I encourage you to try SILENCE as a family spiritual practice. We live in a noisy world and silence is increasingly hard to find – for both adults and children. Creating intentional space for silence gives us an opportunity to listen for God.

If you haven’t read  The Hopeful Family by Amelia Richardson Dress, I highly recommend it. She has an entire chapter on the importance of silence. She explains that, scientifically, when we are in noisy environments, our cortisol levels rise which, in turn, leads to higher blood pressure, etc. So, silence is not only a way to practice spirituality, but also a method for decreasing stress in our lives.

Start small. Set timer for sixty seconds. Light a candle to serve as a focus object. As you do it more and more, you can increase the time. When the time is up, ask “How did that feel?” and/or “What did you notice during the silence?”  You can also read the story of Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-18). What did Samuel hear in the silence?


This Week’s Lesson Rewind:

*This summer, I will be re-sharing some Godly Play Video Lessons that were previously recorded. Enjoy watching them again! then, read the bibles stories together and discuss. 

For this week’s lesson rewind, it’s Christmas in July!! Take some time to re-watch this Godly Play story about the Holy Family. It even includes a Christmas song at the end! Just for fun, get out your nativity set, read your favorite Advent storybook, or watch the movie The Star!


As always, please reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions! Summer blessings to you all!

Many Blessings,
Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro